Digital&Trust : EBRC magazine 2020-2021 edition

Digital&Trust : EBRC magazine 2020-2021 edition

2020 will be considered as a turning year as the sanitary crisis requires renewal and adaptation to new work methods. But for EBRC, 2020 is also its 20th anniversary. Launched at the peak of the dotcom euphoria in 2000, the company has witnessed wide IT and business evolution.

In our latest 2020-2021 edition of our Digital&Trust magazine, we would like to share with you our ambition to create a digital Europe and our will to implement resilience strategies enabling us to cope with risks and get back up after a crisis. Discover the results of our Cloud survey, the latest Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) innovation, our experts’ insights, as well as the tesmonials of the clients we support in their development like University of Strasbourg, Limonetik, LuxHub, Bankable, Finologee, i-Hub.